The effects of business environment, opportunity identification and perceived behavioral control: An empirical study of Algerian student’ entrepreneurial intention
Algeria, business environment, perceived behavioral control, entrepreneurial intention, opportunity identificationAbstract
The aim of this research is to contribute to the ongoing debate in the literature regarding the influence of two categories of factors: contextual (perceived entrepreneurial environment - P2E) and individual (opportunity identification - OI and perceived behavioral control - PBC) on the intention to start a business in a specific context of a developing country, Algeria. Data was collected from 302 final-year students in six higher education institutions. The results show that IE is determined by personality, OI and PBC, not by environment, P2E. The latter even has a negative effect on students' EI. However, these perceptions (P2E) moderate the impact of opportunity identification on the intention to create a business, such that to strengthen this relationship.
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