Advancing renewable energy in Arab Nations: A regional overview


  • Zahra Bouabdelli Djillali Bounaama University Khemis Miliana Algeria
  • Hamza Djilali Toumi Djillali Bounaama University Khemis Miliana Algeria
  • Razika Abdelli Djillali Bounaama University Khemis Miliana Algeria


Renewable Energy, Arab Countries, Sustainable Growth, Energy Markets, Integration


This study explores the status of renewable energy (RE) developments in Arab countries (AC), considering RE as a crucial element for sustainable economic growth in these nations, despite their rich oil and gas reserves. The Study begins by reviewing RE resources in AC and highlights several RE projects that either have been completed or are ongoing in the region. It also assesses the adequacy of the current national institutions responsible for RE development and evaluates the effectiveness of regional and international organizations supporting RE initiatives. Finally, the paper identifies significant obstacles that hinder the large-scale integration of RE into the energy markets of AC, offering recommendations for increasing RE contributions.


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How to Cite

Bouabdelli, Z., Toumi, H. D., & Abdelli, R. (2024). Advancing renewable energy in Arab Nations: A regional overview. International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 18(12), 2122–2131. Retrieved from



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