The application of artificial neural network models to forecast wheat production through time series analysis in key countries
Artificial Neural Network Models, Time Series Analysis, Wheat ProductionAbstract
This study aims to analyze wheat production data from five major countries (Australia, India, United States, Canada, Canada, and Russia) for the period 1992 to 2022, using machine learning techniques to predict wheat production based on historical patterns. Three neural network models were developed: Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) with two hidden layers, Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) with SimpleRNN layer, and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM). Dropout of 0.3 was used in all models to minimize overfitting. The prediction results showed that the RNN model achieved the lowest values for the mean absolute error and the square root of the mean error, demonstrating its high ability to accurately predict. While the LSTM model provided excellent results in countries such as Australia and India, the MLP model showed poor performance overall, indicating its challenges in accurate prediction. The study highlights the importance of using machine learning techniques to improve the accuracy of predicting the production of strategic crops, and reflects the need to adopt innovative agricultural strategies to address environmental challenges.
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