The role of organizational routines in the construction of diversification strategy: Case of cevital agro-industry


  • Anis Hamdad Université of Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria
  • Lyas Zerkhefaoui Université of Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria
  • Radia Tagnithammou Université of Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria
  • Lyes Gheddache Université of Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria


diversification strategy, organizational routine, dynamic capabilities, recurrence


In this study, we analyze the role of organizational routines in the construction of the diversification strategy of Cevital agro-industry. Studies on dynamic capabilities allow us to consider the latter as a response to the instability and dynamics of the environment. There is a multitude of definitions of dynamic capabilities in the literature. In this article, we have worked on the basis of the definition proposed by Teece because it goes beyond the definition of dynamic capabilities by the modification of resources and skills; it sets out the components that induce this modification.  This work is based on a dual epistimological interpretativist and constructivist approach. The choice of methodology focused on the case method as a strategy for accessing reality. The information is obtained by triangulation between primary and secondary data. The primary data were subject to a thematic content analysis. We have been able to conclude that watch information; market research and the reinvestment of profits are recurrent routines that have enabled the construction of a dynamic capacity for vertical and horizontal diversification in the agri-food industry.


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How to Cite

Hamdad, A., Zerkhefaoui, L., Tagnithammou, R., & Gheddache, L. (2024). The role of organizational routines in the construction of diversification strategy: Case of cevital agro-industry. International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 18(10), 1793–1809. Retrieved from



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