The role of budgetary control in reducing financial and administrative corruption: A study of the views of a sample of employees of the budgetary control department in Tamanrasset


  • Idda Boucha University of Tamanrasset, Algeria
  • Lahbib Salah University of Tamanrasset, Algeria


budgetary control, administrative services, financial oversight


The study demonstrated a statistically significant relationship between the elements of budgetary control and the dimensions of financial and administrative corruption within Tamanrasset's financial oversight offices, supporting the main hypothesis. The findings indicated that budgetary control can effectively achieve the objectives of the financial oversight office by reducing manifestations of financial and administrative corruption, resulting in transparent administrative services and transactions free from manipulation and personal interests. The study confirmed that employees in the budgetary control offices of Tamanrasset possess a level of readiness and awareness in confronting various forms and dimensions of financial and administrative corruption, based on the resources available to them.


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How to Cite

Boucha, I., & Salah, L. (2024). The role of budgetary control in reducing financial and administrative corruption: A study of the views of a sample of employees of the budgetary control department in Tamanrasset. International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 18(10), 1682–1701. Retrieved from



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