The Contribution of the Āyurveda to Nyāya Philosophy


  • Dalip kumar Meena


Āyurveda is the contributive current of Indian knowledge tradition. It is called “science of life”, the traditional natural healing system of ancient India.Its main aim is to cure with prevention of diseases and enhancement of life with natural way. It supports the purely practical and scientific aspects of universe and human being. It is not only the traditional natural healing science of India but also it has germinated and nourished some branches of the Indian thought tradition and expanded some other branches with adding new dimensions, directly and indirectly. Āyurveda has directly contributed the Indian knowledge tradition as the beginning of a new philosophical thought that is known as Nyāya philosophy


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How to Cite

Dalip kumar Meena. (2021). The Contribution of the Āyurveda to Nyāya Philosophy. International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 15(1), 552–555. Retrieved from



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