SMEs and their central role in the economic development of Algeria


  • Ould Hennia Hadjer University of Relizane, Algeria
  • Benzaama Salima University of Relizane, Algeria


SME, Employment, Economic growth, Algeria


Faced with globalization, which is currently an economic reality, the challenge of competitiveness is essential. The companies that therefore manage to take up this challenge can only be small and medium-sized companies. This type of business thus becomes the essential driver of job creation. Creating more viable jobs remains a major priority for Algeria, which has undergone a very significant change due to the transition from the administered economy to the market economy where SMEs must grow in size to absorb unemployment and contribute to economic growth.


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How to Cite

Hadjer, O. H., & Salima, B. (2024). SMEs and their central role in the economic development of Algeria. International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 18(11), 2266–2274. Retrieved from



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