Tri Hita Karana: Very intangible resources in building organizational resilience upon crisis times
Study on local hotel operators in Bali
organizational resilience, very intangible resources, crisis and disasterAbstract
Resources are a key strength that companies have in creating organizational resilience. Company resources, consisting of tangible resources and intangible resources, have been proven to be able to create organizational resilience. However, there is one type of resource that is abstract but is the basis for management in determining resilience strategies, namely spiritual values that have been ingrained in an area and also its people. This research is a qualitative research that explores very intangible resources in shaping organizational resilience in local hotel operators, in Bali. This study involved the owners and managers of local hotel operators in Bali as informants, who have experienced various crises and disasters during their operations. The results show that in determining disaster management strategies and deciding the policies to be taken, management always involves conscience to achieve mutual benefits. Their principle is togetherness, and mutual resilience. Based on THK's values, management creates company resilience by maintaining the sustainability of its employees, by meeting their basic needs. So that employees also give their efforts for the resilience of the organization where they belong. Financial gain is not the only thing that is used as a benchmark in achieving mutual resilience in disaster situations. But how to maintain togetherness and kinship can ensure the integrity and resilience of local hotel operators in crisis and disaster situations.
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