The impact of investment in human resources from the perspective of knowledge management: A managerial approach to enhancing education and achieving sustainable development “Case study: Algerian Telecom”


  • Terfa Mohammed University Blida 2 “Lounici Ali”, Algeria
  • Hamla Azeddine University Blida 2 “Lounici Ali”, Algeria


Human Resource, Knowledge management, Learning, Sustainable Development


The future and well-being of society are closely tied to the outcomes of the educational process. Implementing managing knowledge effectively practices in education represents one of the most effective approaches to achieving the principles of sustainable development and realising its positive effects on both society and the state. In this study, we explore how is to evaluate the characteristics and effectiveness of applying managing knowledge effectively practices in education to foster sustainable development. To accomplish this, a structured questionnaire was distributed to a random sample of 65 employees working at Algerian Telecom. Out of these, 61 valid responses were collected and analysed using statistical methods. The study’s findings indicate: A positive relationship between investment in human resources through managing knowledge effectively practices and the enhancement of education to support sustainable development; A positive association between managing knowledge effectively and employee motivation; A positive correlation between managing knowledge effectively and employee performance.


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How to Cite

Mohammed, T., & Azeddine, H. (2024). The impact of investment in human resources from the perspective of knowledge management: A managerial approach to enhancing education and achieving sustainable development “Case study: Algerian Telecom”. International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 18(11), 2153–2173. Retrieved from



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