Fostering collaboration: Social solidarity economy and sustainable development in action an analytical study


  • Radjef Nacéra Institute of Economics, Management and Commercial Science, Department of Management Science Laboratory of Entrepreneurship and Tourism Development, CU Tipaza (Algeria)


Social and solidarity economy, Sustainable development


Given the limits demonstrated by the capitalist economy (social inequalities, unemployment, etc.), the world is now moving towards a more human economy called social and solidarity. The latter, unlike traditional economics, puts people at the center of its concerns. Combined with another phenomenon that continues to grow, namely sustainable development which combines environmental, social and economic issues. The social solidarity economy and sustainable development share common goals and principles, and collaboration between the two can lead to more comprehensive and effective strategies for promoting economic, social and environmental well-being.


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How to Cite

Nacéra, R. (2024). Fostering collaboration: Social solidarity economy and sustainable development in action an analytical study. International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 18(11), 1921–1933. Retrieved from



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