Intellectual capital investment and value creation of listed financial firms in Nigeria


  • Joan Onyinyechi Njoku University of Nigeria Nsuka, Enugu, Nigeria
  • Grace Nyereugwu Ofoegbu University of Nigeria Nsuka, Enugu, Nigeria
  • Ajuh Ali Iteh University of Nigeria Nsuka, Enugu, Nigeria
  • Nkiruka Claris Chukwu Kingsley Ozumba Mbadiwe University, Imo, Nigeria


Intellectual Capital Investments, Listed Financial Firms, Nigeria, VAIC, Value Creation


This study investigated the effect of investments in intellectual capital on the value creation of financial firms listed on the Nigeria Exchange Group over an 18-year period (2006-2023). The study investigates specifically, the influence of human capital efficiency and relational capital efficiency on return on assets and earnings per share, while taking into account the size and age of the banks under review. The study utilized an ex post facto research design, drawing on secondary data obtained from the annual reports of the sampled companies. Purposive sampling technique was employed to select 12 banks from a total of 22. The investigator conducted assessments of data reliability and validity to ascertain the causal relationship among the variables. The findings of the study indicated that Relational Capital Efficiency (RCE) exhibits a positive yet statistically insignificant correlation with earnings per share, alongside a negative and also statistically insignificant correlation with return on assets for listed banks in Nigeria, with p-values of 0.4111 and 0.4907, respectively, at the p< and >0.05 level of significance. The efficiency of human capital demonstrated a noteworthy and statistically significant effect on both earnings per share and return on assets for the banks examined, with p-values of 0.0001 and 0.0391, respectively, at p<0.05 level of significance. The research findings indicated that the elements of intellectual capital significantly influence the value creation of publicly listed banks in Nigeria. It is recommended that these banks incorporate their investments in intellectual capital within their annual reports, as this could enhance their financial robustness.


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How to Cite

Njoku, J. O., Ofoegbu, G. N., Iteh, A. A., & Chukwu, N. C. (2024). Intellectual capital investment and value creation of listed financial firms in Nigeria. International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 18(11), 1943–1962. Retrieved from



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