The impact of knowledge sharing on the performance of employees in the Algerian public sector


  • Khemgani Antara University of Ouargla, Algeria
  • Redjem Khaled University of Setif 1, Algeria
  • Araba Elhadj University of Ouargla, Algeria


Knowledge management, Knowledge sharing, Employee performance, individual dimension, Organizational dimension


This study aims to determine the impact of knowledge sharing on the performance of employees in the Algerian public sector. Results. We found that the level of knowledge sharing at the level of public administrations is average due to the negative impact of the variable of technological dimension, and to a lesser extent the organizational dimension; and the existence of a positive impact of knowledge sharing behavior on employee performance in Algerian public administrations. Through the applied study, the researchers reached the following results: Accepting the basic hypothesis (H0) which states that there is a statistically significant impact of knowledge sharing on employee performance in Algerian public administrations. (01) Rejection of the first sub-hypothesis: This hypothesis is based on the assumption that the level of knowledge sharing is high in the Algerian public sector. (02) Acceptance of the second sub-hypothesis, which states that there is a high level of performance among employees in Algerian public administrations. (03) Acceptance of the third sub-hypothesis: This hypothesis is based on the assumption that there is a statistically significant impact between the dimensions of knowledge sharing and the dimensions of employee performance. (04) Acceptance of the fourth sub-hypothesis: This hypothesis states that there are no statistically significant differences in the responses of the sample members regarding their performance attributed to personal variables (gender, age, experience, educational qualification). Scientific novelty The study identified the dimensions and factors that constitute the knowledge sharing behavior in Algerian public administrations, namely (individual dimension, organizational dimension, technological dimension) to measure their impact on employee performance. The researchers proposed a mechanism for knowledge sharing in these organizations that would activate knowledge sharing behavior. Practical value. 


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How to Cite

Antara, K., Khaled, R., & Elhadj, A. (2024). The impact of knowledge sharing on the performance of employees in the Algerian public sector. International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 18(7), 1036–1056. Retrieved from



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