Determinants of gold investment decisions on generation Z in Bali
investment literacy, perceived risk, subjective norm, perceived behavior control, social media, investment decisionAbstract
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between Investment Literacy, Perceived Risk, Subjective Norm, the influence of Perceived Behavior Control and Social media owned by Generation Z consumers in Bali on their decision to invest in gold. The population of this study includes Generation Z who were born after 1996, have invested in gold and live in Bali. The data analysis technique used is SEM-PLS. The results of this study found that there is a significant influence between Investment literacy in the gold investment decision of Generation Z in Bali, there is a significant influence between Perceived risk in the gold investment decision of Generation Z in Bali, there is no significant influence of subjective norm on the gold investment decision of Generation Z in Bali, there is a significant influence between Perceived behavior control in the gold investment decision of Generation Z in Bali, there is a significant moderating effect by the use of Social media on the relationship between investment literacy in the gold investment decision of Generation Z in Bali, There is a significant moderating effect by the use of Social media on the relationship between Perceived behavior control in Generation Z's gold investment decisions in Bali, there is no significant moderating effect by the use of Social media on the relationship between Subjective norm in Generation Z's gold investment decisions in Bali, and there is a significant moderating effect by the use of Social media on the relationship between Perceived risk in Generation Z's gold investment decisions in Bali.
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