Spatial Patterns of Female Workforce in Small Towns of Haryana, 2011


  • Priyanka


Women participation in work has been playing a pivotal role in the economic activities and it has always been the key indicator of their personal progression and status in the society. With its expanding economic development, Haryana is currently offering new employment possibilities across several economic sectors. With Haryana's expanding economic situation, many women are employed. In the state, a sizable portion of the female population is employed primarily in agricultural pursuits. India's state of Haryana is quickly modernizing. Its economy is primarily focused on agriculture; however Haryana is currently expanding quickly in other economic sectors as well. The development of the state is greatly influenced by the female population of the state. Numerous changes in women's workplace positions were brought about by industrialization. It symbolized the large pool of women who are able to work outside the home (Butschek, 2006). The nature of women's labour also altered as a result of their transition from working at home to offices and factories. In light of the aforementioned conclusions, the current paper makes an effort to pinpoint the spatial patterns of occupational structure in small towns (having  a population less than 20,000) of Haryana.



How to Cite

Priyanka. (2021). Spatial Patterns of Female Workforce in Small Towns of Haryana, 2011. International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 15(5), 1–10. Retrieved from



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